Thursday, November 20, 2008

Vision Casting and Sharing the Plan from the D.R.

Never in our wildest imagination could we have imagined how the Lord would bring so many people together who were fired up about multiplication, evangelism, and church planting. Today was the climax of 4 months of direct planning in casting the vision for church multiplication for Mexico & the result of over 2 years of training leaders. Christian shared that he'd never witnessed a group of people so close to being like the early church.

So what was the big deal? The work here in Mexico has taken new life, a new challenge, and a new focus to win this country for Christ. What was a few embers of a hand full of committed Christians who wanted to see rapid growth in the church has turned into a wild fire much like the book of Acts. Almost 60 people met today to learn about their role in spreading the gospel and planting churches in homes. They left excited and enthused with their new roles.

We as missionaries have always believed that Mexico will be won by Mexicans. And so we set out almost 2 decades ago to train them how to win their own for Christ. Now we are seeing the fruit of that labor. We believe that the growth could be exponential in the next 5 years. Our goal is to reach 600 new believers of which 30 of them would want to open their own home with the intention of reproducing themselves. Please pray for this work! We believe that we could see over a quarter of a million new believers by 2013 with over 13,000 new churches in homes. With God all things are possible.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Praise God!! It really is exciting just to know that things are coming together and we know that with the Lord all things are possible. I will be sharing this with everyone at church.