Wednesday, December 03, 2008


We've shared that the 18th of November was a monumental day.  One of the things we wanted to share was about the new Department of Evangelism and Church Planting or DEPI.  The reason that this new department is so significant is that UNIFAM has decided that evangelism and church planting has to be "theirs" and not a foreign owned entity.  In other words Mexicans are taking their new mantle of leadership very seriously.  

Even though we will cease to use ECC as a 'name' in Mexico the vision and goals will remain the same with DEPI.  We still want to reach Mexico for Christ but it won't be the missionaries leading the way, but rather the Mexicans.  They have "Mexicanized" what OMS has been doing for over 100 years around the world.....and that was the goal from the beginning.  We praise God!

In one area the growth in house churches has increased from 3 to 17 new house churches since mid September!

What a privilege it is to witness all of these new changes and to see the Mexicans lead the way!  Please pray for revival as both OMS missionaries and UNIFAM workers continue to preach the good news.  Pray also for Christian as he continues to co-lead this effort.

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