Friday, May 08, 2009

A quick update

Wanted to share with everyone that Christian has arrived here in Indiana and we are now all catching our breaths as we come down off of a very intense, stressful month! (see Robin's blog for more thoughts!)
Jonny and Julie Pollock and sweet baby Ben are staying with us until Monday and we have really enjoyed our time with them. We praise God for a successful closing on our house yesterday.... we will begin moving in tomorrow. (Jonny and Julie did not realize they would have to work so hard here!:)
We appreciate your prayers as we continue to adjust back to life in the United States. Our kids are thrilled by water fountains....(these don't exist in Mexico due to water safety issues) We can not walk by a single fountain without them stopping and proceeding to completely drench themselves (drinking from a water fountain is a new skill they need to develop). They are bathing twice a day (we did not have a bath tub in our last house in Mexico....) and Ethan can not believe that there are hand rails to help you go up and down stairs!
Lots and lots of adjustments to be made and it is fun to watch our kids and to see the United States through their eyes.
In addition to lots of laughs and smiles, there are also tears. We are missing our friends in Mexico and our church..... and it hits all of us at different times. Joshua (normally not a crier) broke down the other day saying he missed his friends Esteban, Edgar and Miseal.
Maddie has asked us to promise we will return for a visit soon....
We take comfort in knowing that Jesus is in control of all that is happening and that He has plans to prosper us and to care for us. And we take comfort in knowing that so many are praying for our transition back to the US. Thank you for your faithfulness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MacKinnon Family...
So glad to hear of your safe arrival. I have been checking the blog regularly to get updates and to update my prayer circles. God is so good!
Lesli Hansen