Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Womens Retreat

This past weekend our church, Campanario, held its first ever women's retreat! It was an amazing success! We had 54 women attend..... 4 accepted Jesus as their Savior for the first time, many recommitted their lives to the Lord - it was a humbling, incredible experience. For me (Robin) it was one of the most powerful experiences with Jesus that I have had in my life! Jesus is working mightily here in Mexico! Thank you for praying and for partnering with us in the work that is happening here!

Above is a picture of the women gathered together for a time of worship.
I had the privilege of being the speaker for the retreat.... The Lord clearly impressed upon me a message for the women that revolved around Proverbs 3:5&6.....He guided me so clearly and gave me the ability to easily communicate everything He laid upon my heart in Spanish. I felt so carried by the Holy Spirit..... it was incredible!
After each session the women had a time of reflection and journaling...( I am a HUGE fan of journaling) and then they met in small groups to share. I had planned for each small group to meet for 3o minutes but each time the women refused to stop meeting and sacrificed "free time" to keep sharing, praying, and growing together. The small group sessions lasted up to two hours! Jesus was working and it was so evident!

In the evenings we enjoyed gathering around a bonfire and singing and sharing.... (we roasted marsh-mellows as well!)
There was also lots of time for fun! Above the ladies are participating in a mixer....This photo captures the women in a game of American football using a watermelon in the pool.....I can not remember the last time I laughed so hard! It was a blast!

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