Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chapel Sharing

Each Wednesday our seminary holds it's weekly chapel. From time to time the seminary asks guests speakers to come and share. Yesterday Robin had a the opportunity to share about an important lesson the Lord had shown her years ago about priorities.

She used potatoes, beans, and rice to explain her point. Each size of food represented importance or priorities of life. The potatoes obviously were the 'big' things in life - the things most important in our lives - important but not always urgent. The rice represented the lower priorities in our life - things that are not necessarily important but urgent. The rice sometimes fills our jars of life so much that there is not more room left for the potatoes.

She visually shared that if you place the potatoes of life in your jar FIRST, then the beans and rice could easily fit in the jar AFTER the most important things in life had been given their time.

It was neat because I (Christian) ran into some of the seminary students later in the day and they shared how much Robin's talk meant to them and how much it impacted their thinking. I know that the Lord used her talents and time to show the students how important it is to "Seek Him First", and then family, and then church, and then ministry, etc.... , etc....

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