Thursday, April 12, 2007

Working with Short Term Teams

Over the past 3 weeks we have been hosting a wonderful team from Northern Ireland. The highlight for this team was definitely working with the street kids. Christian translated for and led the team around with the help of our fellow Social Outreach Mexican friends.

Pictured with a thumbs up is Edgar - he shared with Christian the following, "So I hear you can help street kids get off the street and off drugs - so what can you do for me? You know I've been living on the streets for 17 years, ever since I was 5 and I'm so tired of this life. I want out now! How can you help?" With vulnerable hearts like this one it is so easy to lead one to Christ, but the hard part is discipleship. Please pray for Edgar as he hopefully attends his first church service this Sunday. May the bond with he and Fidel be one like Paul and Timothy. (Fidel is one of the social outreach workers and is key in building relationships with the thousands of street kids in Mexico City.)