What an incredible joy to report to you that the second MOPS group started yesterday at our church in LaLoma. It was a wonderful first meeting! The team of Mexican women who have gathered to provide leadership are incredible and they did an amazing job. Alicia, the woman who co-coordinated our first MOPS group with me spoke at the meeting and her words touched my soul. She is our pastors wife and she shared that of all the ministries they are involved in (and there are a ton) MOPS is her favorite because it has ministered to her as she mothers three small children. She shared about the blessing MOPS has been to our Campanario church, to the moms that attend from the community.... My heart was filled with praise to God for the amazing gift he has given us to serve the Mexican people over these last four years! A group of moms meeting together for the first time....
The team had so many creative ideas! Each mom was sent home with a box of craft supplies. Their assignment was to go home and make something with their children and then bring it back next time where the "most creative" project will win a prize. They even included an announcement inside reminding of the next meeting date!The children had a blast as well. Amelia, who does not often enjoy going to the nursery was very happy and even participated in getting her face painted. Here she is pictured with Carol, the missionary coordinator for MOPS LaLoma. Carols philosophy is that if the kids are happy and having a blast the moms will keep coming back! I can definitely say that these kids were thrilled and I am certain the women with return - and bring their friends!